There are six confirmed and two unconfirmed races in Archeage:
- Elf
- Hariharan
- Ferre
- Nuian
- Dwarf
- Warborn
- Fairies
- Returned
Underwater breathing time is increased by 20 seconds.
Supple Flow
Your swimming speed is increased by 5%
About the Elves
Elves are known to all other races because of the fabulous beauty, mystery and outstanding achievements in the study of magic. They are the descendants of a long line of noble Ifuna, which belonged to powerful magicians. This race could enter only one who possessed extraordinary powers. Unique memory to store knowledge of the events that are taking place all over the world, so the elves can remember a piece of the huge flow of time. Mourning the death of their king, they leave the forest to break the ice that covered the old continent.
National Idea
King's death and the opening of the gates of the underworld most clearly etched in the memory of the elves. As they saw for the royal blood stains on the ground for thousands of years elves obsessed with revenge. They live long enough to plan everything properly. They know that the king killed the god of war. When the continent was split, the elves went to the north, singing songs about revenge.
The history of the race
Code old continent began to break down, mourners elves hit the road, playing dirge. Led by the goddess of the underworld Noyi, they made their way through the gates of hell in the New World.
But no one, even they did not expect that, during the Great Migration of the elves lost their impartiality and become violent.The royal court during the passage through the gates of the underworld gone, disappeared into the depths of the place.Memories of King's life turned into crystals, which flew through the underground kingdom. Passing through this world, the elves of the collected particles to his memory had become for the whole race a sad reminder of the history of their ruler.
After the Great Migration of the elves quickly got out of the original alliance to settle deep in the dense forests. Since then, people find their terrible as much as mysterious. Elves are not afraid to let a mysterious force noxious breath of the forest.Gradually, they become alienated, scaring the other races and the sides of their societies.
To the west and east people day after day struggling to recover their former power states, and then began to create a new history. But all this is of little interest to take refuge from the world of hermits. They do not like human vanity and desire as soon as possible to restore civilization in its present form. While world events still imprinted in their minds, however, the elves live in the past, wanting to be saved among the ashes of history.
Start Location - Camp Harfa
Many years ago in honor of the great masters of the elven ancestors cut down from the rock great harp and made sure that her beautiful music did not stop. Over the years, weathered rock, and beautiful sculpture has changed beyond recognition. Then this place was called Songbirds hills on which the camp Harfa. The new generation does not understand the high elves, who sadly are looking at an old broken statue. Only occasionally by the touch of the wind that stirs the leaves sound magic melodies, telling of his native land.

There's No Place Like Home
The cooldown timer on your recall ability is reduced by 30%
Impetuous Spirit
Tree-felling and herb-collecting gathering time is reduced by 10%
About the Hariharans
They have wheat-golden skin, so they are proud to call themselves "people of the sun." Since time immemorial, their flag has crossed swords in the bright sun. Hariharantsy want to conquer the eastern continent, but do not forget that they have to take revenge on his enemies. After the eclipse terrible war broke out. They moved across the ocean to the eastern continent, where once lived the ancient gods. Difficult natural conditions do not suppress their enthusiasm. Gradually, the wild lands grew prosperous empire. Over the centuries hariharantsy purposefully try to return the sunlight on frozen continent.
National Idea
Spurred by the expansion of the passion for wealth and achievements in the blood hariharantsev. After moving to the eastern continent, they were able to quench their thirst for conquest of new lands. North attracts power and treasure hidden by the sea mist. That they will bring the ancient treasures? What challenges hariharantsam will face in the future?
The History of the Race
Called the daughter of the goddess, led his troops to the southern lands, it was predicted that the total solar eclipse will occur and the light goes out. This destroyed the last hope of the inhabitants of Salem.
After the war actually happened eclipse. Members of the royal family fled Salem to the eastern continent, hoping to return to its former greatness. The new governor called this desert land Harihara and founded a state Hariharudik. After moving, the people of the sun began to call themselves hariharantsami.
Hariharantsy love to build and win. So they can easily and quickly conquered the kingdom of the indigenous population.Rapidly developing, the empire has created conditions for the emergence of Mechanics and magical civilization. Hariharantsy became fabulously rich.
But prosperity was an illusion. The struggle for the throne of the mighty empire grew into a twenty-year civil war. In the end, Hariharudik split into four states. Former power dissipated like smoke. Due to its geographical location and favorable natural conditions, the western kingdom would be one of the most powerful and rich countries.
Not only internecine conflicts threaten peace in hariharanskih lands. Old continent was covered with ice and cracked. Nuiantsy try to beat hariharanskih navigators in the exploration of new routes, which offer great benefit. Will the long trips across the North Sea to the discovery of new lands? It all depends on whether hariharantsam their travels accompany the bright sun.
Start Location - Hatura
Basically, hariharantsy live in small villages, built centuries ago. They are grown for generations. Here, children are born and grow up, only to seek their goals and follow their dreams, a worthy man of the sun. Hatura city like a pearl in the desert, seeing sunrise at dawn, when the bright disk of the sun rises from the dunes. Caravans always come to this center of trade with its busy streets, finding refuge here from the desert heat and a place to sleep. They looked forward to the next birthday of the sun.
Hariharan is adventurous and adaptable race. Hariharans inherit the name of gods of its continent and presents it.
They always crave for new technology and has desire for conquest. Hariharans value their family and friends and although practical they can sacrifice their life for their belief.
This practical race is now interested in the Land of Origin.
Hariharans reside in whole part of Harihara Continent. Harihara Continent divides to four sovereigns 'Ishvara', North, South, East, West and each Ishvara has its own unique culture.
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